Biometric verification/authentication isn’t as safe and robust as you’re being led to believe. Fingerprint scanners are commonplace on laptops, phones and tablets but be vigilant.
Cybersecurity attacks will continue to increase in both frequency and sophistication over time — mostly due to the blasé attitudes within the industry about what should be done. While APT tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) continue to be refined on a global scale, the targeted organizations either bury their heads in the sand pretending that there is nothing that can be done, or throw their arms up into the air with frustration and despair.
Today I found out that on behalf of Secbüro Labs, I have been selected as a contributing cybersecurity expert for a 144 page special edition of Hackin9 & eForensics magazines titled “Predictions for Cybersecurity in 2016.
Despite billions being spent on security, many organizations continue to fail miserably in preventing information leakage through their corporate proxy servers and web gateways. In most cases, the reason is that people are unaware of how the underlying technology and protocols operate nor which features should be enabled or disabled. Below you will find guidance on […]
It’s not every day that you get to play the role of the chief information officer (CIO) of a Fortune 100 company. However, in light of recent high-profile cybersecurity breaches, let’s imagine for a moment that you are a CIO who is busy preparing to deliver a rather sobering cybersecurity briefing. This is the first of […]
So which is it: Cyber Security, Cyber-Security or Cybersecurity? Is this the next reincarnation of datacentre vs. data center or ciphertext vs. cipher text? The security industry still hasn’t made any concerted effort to close on the cyber?security anomaly. And with about 15 million search results each, not even Google is able to raise a leg […]
For many people within the corporate security community, Google’s January 2010 disclosure that it had been targeted by a sophisticated attack, marked the beginning of the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) era. Although Google’s disclosure put APT into the spotlight, law enforcement, intelligence and counterintelligence communities had already been using the term for a number of years. […]
After many years of work with clients across Africa and the Middle East I decided to join a large research organization, more specifically, Huawei’s European Research Center (ERC) headquartered in Munich. I figured that researching security and digging deeper into the cloud would not only give me a chance to put my field experience to […]
New digital snooping laws being discussed in the U.K. and U.S. are generating a lot of negative sentiment from advocates of privacy and human rights groups. The new surveillance laws would allow service and platform providers to collect, store and even sell data to third parties and permit its perusal by various security services. In […]
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