feeding my own misguided insanity

Working in Dar es Salaam

For the past 3 months I’ve been working in the beautiful country of Tanzania, Eastern Africa — where the luscious vegetation of the coastal areas, fresh vegetables and fruit, delicious seafood and friendly people add to the excitement introduced by well-known icons such as Mt. Kilimanjaro and Zanzibar.

Dar es Salaam — the name alone, “House of Peace”, conjures up exotic images of ancient Arabian trading routes, beautiful beaches, subtropical climate and a thriving fishing industry. On that front, Dar certainly doesn’t disappoint with its Arab infusion — life here is extremely relaxed and you can still spot traditional fishing dhows cruising the waterways.

There is another side to Dar however, that of a bustling business hub where the work-ethic is on par with many developed countries — making it a real pleasure to work in compared to its other African counterparts. The people are highly educated, astute, ambitious and hungry to absorb any new skills they can get their hands on.


, Africa, Travel

One Comment → “Working in Dar es Salaam”

  1. Kuzemchak 13 years ago   Reply

    Thank you for a great post.

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