feeding my own misguided insanity

Kofi Shem at Government of Ghana

Just recently I’d completed a project with the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP) in Accra, the capital city of Ghana.

It’s not the heat here, but more the humidity that gets to you. It’s just above the equator so the sun pretty much sets and rises at around 6am/6pm every day. But I do love the laid back lifestyle in West Africa, the people are friendly and never miss an opportunity to have fun; no matter where you find yourself, there’s always a joke hiding beneath the surface — I adore people with a good sense of humour :)

Here’s something you might not know: because I was born on a Friday I share the name Kofi with 1/7th of Ghana’s male population as well as the former Secretary-General of the UN, Kofi Annan :) So from now on, you can call me Kofi instead of Shem.

But the project in Ghana went well and I was given a special send-off banquet by Madam Agatha, where I was presented with a nice gift and my very own official Ministry of Finance shirt (thanks Francis). Coincidentally, the national currency of Ghana is the Cedi (an Akan word for the Cowry shell) and were once used in the region as a form of currency.

I also managed to get a chance to visit Cape Coast, the central slave trading post during the British colonial era, but more on that a bit later.

, , , Africa, Business

4 Comments → “Kofi Shem at Government of Ghana”

  1. Sivashankar S 13 years ago   Reply

    hey ——DrShem —- Kofi Shem

  2. Sivashankar S 13 years ago   Reply

    great Kofi where r u now

  3. Dr.Shem 13 years ago   Reply

    In Kenya at the moment. Will be back in Bots next week.

  4. Sivashankar S 13 years ago   Reply

    cool..welcome toooo??

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